Stories, articles, and studys of cannabinoids and their seemlessly endless possibilities

How a New York golf instructor became the exclusive CBD seller in The Villages

Entrepeneurs might have different definitions of a target-rich environment, but The Villages retirement metropolis in central Florida presents some formidable demographaics...

U.S. Senate Committee Approves Bipartisan Marijuana Research Bill

A U.S. Senate committee approved a bipartisan bill on Thursday to promote marijuana research for military veterans...

CBD for Fibromyalgia & Opiod Withdrawl

A patient testimonial from a 72-year-old Oregon resident who has been weaning herself off opioids with the help of CBD-rich cannabis...

The Pharm Stand Owners Aim to Alleviate, Educate

Jason Provost and Debbie Doniger want to bring natural alternatives to Villagers who are suffering from pain, anxiety, sleep deprivation and more...

Businesses Offer Classes To Educate and Inspire

Debbie Doniger and Jason Provost want to eliminate the uncertainty surrounding cannabinoid-based therapy. The two own The Pharm Stand, a new business in...

Cannabis Products Improve Health-Related Quality of Life

Patients’ consumption of medical cannabis products is well-tolerated and is associated with significant improvements in their health-related quality of life...


Cannabinoid compounds show promise in treating skin diseases, both as topical applications and as systemic medication...

CBD/THC Combination Controls Blood Sugar, Lowers Cholestorol

A team of Iranian investigators evaluated the efficacy of a proprietary formulation of plant-derived CBD/THC compared to placebo in a cohort of 50 patients...

Cannabis for Anxiety and PTSD

Anxiety disorders are the most common type of psychiatric disorders, and they’re one of the most common conditions for which people use cannabis. One review found that among...